Products & Services

Oil Spill Dispersant


HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SP is a specialized formula designed to eliminate and disperse oil spills on water surfaces, ensuring safety for aquatic species and the environment.

HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SP is used to disperse oil spills on water surfaces. It can also be applied to clean oil from engine room floors, moats, boat decks, or industrial oil spills.


  • Low toxicity, making it safe for animals and humans
  • Environmentally friendly, safe for aquatic life
  • Highly effective in dispersing and cleaning oil spills

Spray HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SP directly onto the oil spill on the water surface. For larger or more severe spills, use a tugboat equipped with a dispersant boom on both sides of the boat to help mix the product with the oil.


  • Specific Gravity: 1.0968
  • pH: 6.0 – 8.0
  • Appearance: Liquid
  • Color: Clear to yellow
  • Biodegradability: 68.81% (28 days)
  • Toxicity: 61,947.48 ppm

HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SP can be diluted with water at a ratio of 1:20 – 30.

Avoid prolonged inhalation. In case of eye contact, rinse thoroughly with clean water.


HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SW is a water-based formula specifically designed to eliminate and disperse oil spills on water surfaces such as seas, rivers, and coastal areas. Its eco-friendly composition ensures safety for aquatic life and the surrounding environment.


  • Disperses oil spills on water surfaces effectively
  • USAGEs as a multipurpose cleaner: degreaser, liquid foam, and oil cleaner for engine rooms, moats, boat decks, and industrial floors


  • Increases work efficiency
  • Multipurpose USAGEality as a degreaser and liquid foam
  • Gentle on skin, eliminating the need for special safety equipment
  • Environmentally friendly and biodegradable


  1. Dilute HACS OIL SPILL DISPERSANT SW with clean or seawater at a ratio of 1:50.
  2. Spray directly onto the oil spill using a pressure of 5–7 bar. Repeat until the oil is dispersed.
  3. For extensive oil spills, use a tugboat equipped with dispersant booms on both sides to enhance mixing and dispersion.


  • Dispersant: Dilute 1:50
  • Liquid Foam: Dilute 1:30
  • Degreaser: Dilute 1:10
  • Remediation: Dilute 1:30


  • Specific Gravity: 1.0865
  • pH: 5.84–8.4
  • Odor: Aromatic
  • Appearance/Color: Liquid/Transparent
  • Biodegradability: 100% (15 days)
  • Toxicity: 6,904.406 ppm

Avoid direct contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with clean water.